Giving 20% of sales to animal shelters, always

About / FAQ

So, who is behind this random mix of objects?

Imagine the human embodiment of this stuff... That's me (Emily). Hi! 

I've spent years as a bit of a nomad—East Coast, West Coast, Uganda—and have always carried a few funky objects that make wherever I am feel like home. My adopted dog Manny has been my co-pilot for 7 years: Best find ever. To think he was left on a curb like a vintage couch...

What is the point of this?

I've never had a space remotely big enough to hold all of the beautiful things I see and want to buy (Where my other hoarders at?), so I thought "Why not buy stuff and share it with other people who want unique goods to make their own space feel special? And since I currently support different animal welfare groups and shelters in a big way, why not compound my impact? And have an excuse to buy more things and connect with more people along the way?" 

So, how will my purchase "do good"?

You buy a vase/bowl/candleholder/tribal spoon and I share the proceeds with animal shelters. Cutting checks (or most likely, using the interwebs) to send funds to support meals, beds, collars, medical care: you name it. Check out our Instagram/Facebook for updates on donations and our partner shelters.

Where do the goods come from?

They come from adventures, that's where. Salvage yards, estate sales, sides of the road, from Georgia to New Hampshire. Really, it's about what speaks to me, and what will fit in my tiny Fiat.

I believe:

+ Cool housewares need second chances, too.

+ Layers and textures and curation are what design is about. 

+ There is design gold to be found in every prior decade.

+ Giving back is a part of life: We can support with our time, our knowledge, our words and our spending money. Spread a little, ya know?

+ Most people who are looking for a pet would be 100% happy with the right rescue animal.

What is this about adopting a pet? (P.S. I'll still love you if you don't!)

Right now, there are millions of amazing animals in shelters and foster homes, hanging out, playing with toys, sniffing around, wanting belly rubs, waiting to find their second chance in the form of a perfect home (kinda like random housewares, yeah?). These little furbabies come in all shapes and sizes and ages and temperaments. Yes, you can find puppies and kittens and Goldendoodles and Weimaraners and cool terriers and ridiculous-looking mutts who will stop everyone in their tracks on the sidewalk, all lining up to pet your friend. 

For real? How do you adopt?

For real! How? So many ways. You can go to your local shelter; you can google "X breed + rescue" to find a breed-specific rescue group that rehomes certain types; you can browse and and add as many filters as you wish to track down your future buddy.

Can't adopt? Donate! Or buy goods from us and we'll do the donating for you. We'll love you either way.

That's all folks! Message me to chat more. About anything.